22 October 2011

I have been awarded another blogging award!  Actually, I've received it twice.  First, from Lisa at Lisa's Dinnertime Dish, and then from Jenna at Newlyweds Blog.  I have seen this award several times on other blogs, so I am honored to have been awarded it.  Thanks so much, Lisa and Jenna!  Please go check out their blogs; they have some great stuff!

So apparently the rules of this award include making a list of seven things you may not know about me.  This wasn't easy for me, as I am really pretty boring!  But I did finally come up with seven things to share with you.

  1. I am a stay-at-home mom to two precious little girls.

Carolena (we call her Lena) is three and a half.  She is a total clown, doing anything for a laugh.  She's my blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty.

 Eva is 16 months old.  She is my little cuddle bug, still burying her face in the crook of my neck to fall asleep every night.  She is my dark-haired, dark-eyed beauty.

 Even though my girls look nothing alike, they are the best sisters to each other.  Nobody can make Eva laugh like Lena can and Lena loves on Eva all day long, giving her sweet hugs and kisses.

2. I am a pastor's wife.  My husband, Jim, is the pastor of a very small church in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  


3.  I have a Master's Degree.  That I really don't like talking about.  Enough said.

4.  I am an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan, which you have probably picked up on by now if you are a Facebook fan.  My husband and I spent three years in St. Louis while he attended seminary and I attended grad school.  I never gave two poops about sports before moving there, but St. Louis is a huge baseball town so you can't help but get caught up in it.  I will now be a Cardinals fan for the rest of my life, and have converted several friends and family members who have no connection to St. Louis!  Even though we moved away from St. Louis four and a half years ago, we've been able to make it to a Cardinals game once a year since.  We've seen them play in Houston, Detroit, Chicago, and Milwaukee.  I am really excited right now because the Cardinals are playing in the World Series for the THIRD time since I became a fan in 2004.

5.  If you sometimes think the food pics on my blog aren't very good, you are right.  However, I think they are pretty good considering what I am working with: a seven-year-old point and shoot whose button periodically falls off and is literally being held together with electrical tape.  If there was some way I could take a picture of my own camera, I would show you!  Donations are gladly being accepted to the "Lesa Needs A New Camera" Fund. ;)

6.  While I enjoy fall, I absolutely despise winter.  It's gotten a little bit worse every year, now to the point where I battle some winter depression.  If you look at my archives from last winter, you will notice there are almost no blog posts between December and March.  I have gotten much more serious about blogging this year, so I am going to try really hard to not fall into that pit again this winter.  If you notice that you haven't heard from me for a while, write on my Facebook wall or shoot me an email and ask what I've been cooking lately.  Those little bits of encouragement will help a lot!

7.  I have mentioned before that I only make dessert one night a week.  I do it on Thursday nights, and that's for a couple of reasons.  One is that since my husband works on Sundays, Fridays are his days off.  So Thursday night for us is like Friday night for most other people.  It's also because almost all of our favorite tv shows are on Thursday night (The Office, Parks and Rec, and 30 Rock), so we put the kiddos to bed, serve up our yummy dessert, and fire up the DVR.  Yep, that's right, our kids don't get dessert.  They are still young enough now that they don't know what they are missing.

I know that this award has really been making the rounds lately, and I want to give it to some bloggers who haven't gotten it yet.  So here is the list.  If I have given it to you, and you've: 1. already received it  or 2. aren't into the whole "award" thing, I apologize.  Just know that your blog is one of my favorites.  In alphabetical order:

Of course, there are many more blogs which I love but I couldn't list them all!



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