28 April 2009

This isn't a recipe, but I wanted to share what we had for dessert with our Easter dinner. My mom knew that our favorite restaurant dessert is the Lemon Cream Cake at Olive Garden. I had noticed that Sam's Club had a knock-off, so she was going to bring that. Well, apparently Sam's has discontinued theirs (grrrr!), so without my knowledge, Mom went out and bought a whole cake from Olive Garden! If you have not tried this dessert, you should. It's really nice because it has nice light flavors and is a nice alternative to a big, heavy chocolate dessert. And with a very light lemon flavor, I thought it would be perfect for our springy-themed Easter dinner (I do not bake, so whenever anyone offers to bring something, I say "Dessert!")

It doesn't come with the bunny and eggs; those are candies Mom made and used them to garnish the cake. Cute! And oh so yummy!

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